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Welcome to the Twine adaptation of the Abyss Diver CYOA by Stellinearized! (Adapted with love by FloricSpacer)
Note that this is a very complex CYOA and there have been a number of difficulties in adapting it. I do not plan to implement every possible combination of relics, so instead I will leave open the ability to adjust your stats if you believe you have an advantage of some sort that isn't accounted for already. Do not use this function to edit your stats without having a well thought out justification for the change!
And due to the nature of how I got the text for this CYOA, it is likely there are typos introduced into it, so if you find a typo please let me know!
[[Rules|Start 2]]
<img @src="setup.ImagePath+'Surface/riko-intro.png'" width="50%"><<masteraudio stop>><<audio "surface" volume 0.2 play loop>>
Hey, you're here to explore the Abyss, right? I'm sure you are; just about everyone who visits Outset Town dives down to explore it sooner or later. Our town is built around the outer edge of the Abyss, an enormous hole in the earth. Nobody can even begin to guess how deep it is. It goes at least several kilometers down, but nobody is known to have ever reached the bottom or even gotten close, so it could be much deeper. Of course, the biggest draw bringing so many explorers to challenge its depths is the Relics, mysterious tools with abilities that can't be explained by modern science. Many of these Relics have extremely useful or powerful magical effects, so while the risk is great, it can be well worth the effort for all the divers who venture into the Abyss after them.
While traveling down into the pit is fraught with danger in the form of beasts, traps, and unforgiving environments, it's getting back up to the surface that usually poses the greatest problem. A near- omnipresent Miasma pervades the Abyss, getting thicker and more potent the further down you go, and being especially concentrated around ancient and powerful Relics. Ascending to the surface through the layers of Miasma leads to divers being afflicted with Curses transformative effects than can slowly change or corrupt the body and mind. The more you explore the Abyss, the deeper you trek, the more Relics you take...the more the person you were before slips away. Some divers are completely unrecognizable when they emerge, and more than a few don't emerge at all defeated by the Abyss, consumed by greed, fearful of the effects of ascent, or sometimes simply discovering that they prefer life down there.
Because Curses can often have substantial effects on the minds and behavior of divers, there are very few accurate reports and little information available about the Abyss past the first couple of layers. Most of it is an unknown, unexplored frontier. Just remember to make sure you can live with the decisions you make down there divers that have surfaced from particularly deep dives with many Curses generally seem happy with their life, but frequently have troubles reintegrating into society on account of the changes in their appearance and behavior. There's nothing wrong with deciding you've hit your limit and choosing to end your adventure early…just be sure that you make that decision while you're still you.
Come with me, and I'll help you find some companions to help you on your journey!
[[Learn about the Companions|Surface 2]]
[[Inventory]]You have $dubloons dubloons.
You have $corruption corruption points.
You have been exploring the Abyss for $time days.
<<nobr>><<if $debt>>
<<print "You have $debt dubloons of debt, and will also have to pay an extra 20% of that as interest at the end of your journey.">><<endif>><</nobr>>
Your carry weight is $carryWeight kg.
Your team cas a total carrying capacity of $totalCarry kg.
Your companions are:
<<for $i = 0; $i < $hiredCompanions.length; $i++>>
<<print $hiredCompanions[$i].name>><br>
Your curses are:
Important Rules!
•No peeking! Moving between is pages is not a free action in this CYOA! It almost always comes with a cost - in time, corruption, or both - which must be paid every time you wish to move forward or backward a page. You may look back on previous pages for the sole purpose of confirming what was on them, but you cannot select any options without paying the price and actually moving your character back to that page. Looking ahead to pages you haven't seen is completely forbidden.
•If you peek on accident, I'll fine you 50 corruption points each time, so don't! I'll also have to reduce your corruption points by 50 after you enter the Abyss if this isn't your first time playing…sorry! That's the price of all that sweet Abyssal knowledge. Trust me, it makes a huge difference. You can think of it as "Hard Mode New Game+."
•If you peek on purpose, I'll slather you in tentacle beast pheremones and tie in you up somewhere in the Abyss where nobody will ever hear your screams.
•Changing pages constitutes "moving your hand off of your chess piece,' in locking in the options you've taken. Even if you go back to that page, you may not "un-take" any options, though you may take additional options.
Remember to save!
The CYOA is just dense enough that some may even wish to tackle it in multiple sessions, especially those who are interested in creating their "perfect
build" and reading into the minutiae of every option. For everyone else, feel free to a skim a bit if it's overwhelming!
Background Music
In the interactive version of this CYOA the background music play automatically according to the environment you find yourself in. There's a good chance you could be reading this and making choices for quite some time. Might as well pull up the NQOST (not-quite-original soundtrack) for it and get comfy, right?
Now, if you are over 18 and are prepared to descend into the abyss, please continue.
[[Arrive at Outset Town|Surface 1]]
[[New Game+|Surface 3][$corruption = -50]]
You can hire some companions to come with you for your dive!
They're all heavily screened, loyal, and drawn to work here by a shared lust for adventure and discovery. They will obey any commands directly related to helping you explore the Abyss, but they'll generally put their safety first in times of extreme danger - they're partners, not slaves, and they may even choose to leave you if you treat them exceptionally poorly. There's nothing stopping you from trying to forge a deeper relationship with them if you like, though. I have it on good authority that you could have a chance with any of them romantically, regardless of gender. Or you could just make some lifelong friends!
They follow the same rules as you, so unless you buy supplies for them, they're going in with just the clothes on their backs and their rucksack sleeping bags. Also, all of them are injected with a lethal, dormant poison that activates on contact with human stomach acid, to prevent cannibalism. You'd be surprised by how much of an issue it used to be!
Also, you should probably know about The Purity Gene. The "purity gene" (scientifically, PUR69E) is a unique insertion mutation rarely observed in infants born near the Abyss, here in Outset Town. This mutation confers on its bearer an immunity to the effects of Miasma, preventing them from being corrupted during their ascent, or from being locked out of the Abyss after they leave it and spend a few days on the surface. Furthermore, it even allows their bodies to use Miasma as a source of nutrition and maintain many bodily functions, so they need no food or water while in the Abyss. Being so heavily connected with the Abyss has drawbacks, however - it confers on them problems completely opposite to those of normal divers. While they can ascend through the Abyss just fine, descending through the Abyss (even through early layers) quickly causes them to lose their memory and sense of self, and invariably causes them to abandon their life on the surface and live as a beast of the Abyss, in mind if not in body. This effect is prevented if a human without the "purity gene' accompanies them while they descend. A strong, impassable repelling force also prevents them from picking up Relics that haven't yet been claimed by another diver, so they can't split up to find Relics faster or bypass their corruption costs. As they require other divers to be with them to effectively explore the Abyss, the general consensus S that they are better suited as companions to other divers, rather than solo divers themselves - and those with the "purity gene" have been strictly prohibited from traveling into the Abyss alone.
In short: they're not corrupted by the Abyss, and don't need food or water, but are only effective and useful at exploring the Abyss when they're traveling with someone else who doesn't have the gene.
All of the companions available for hire here have the "purity gene.'
I'll show you around the shop then you can come back and get any companions you wanted to hire.
[[Check out the shop|Surface 3]]
<<set $carryWeight = 0>>
<<set $totalCarry = 0>>
<<set $dubloons = 0>>
<<set $firstDescent = 0>>
<<set $debt = 0>>
<<set $corruption = 0>>
<<set $time = 0>>
<<set $forageWater = 1>>
<<set $forageFood = 1>>
<<set $corRed = 0>>
<<set $timeRed = 0>>
<<set $statRed = 0>>
<<set $bullRed = 0>>
<<set $sellAdd = 0>>
<<set $abyssKnow = 0>>
<<set _page1 = setup.SoundPath + "1 Above the Treetops.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "surface" _page1>>
<<set _page2 = setup.SoundPath + "2 Tropos by Day.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "layer1" _page2>>
<<set _page3 = setup.SoundPath + "3 City of Tears.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "layer2" _page3>>
<<set _page4 = setup.SoundPath + "4 Ancient Barrow.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "layer3" _page4>>
<<set _page5 = setup.SoundPath + "5 Ice Ruins.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "layer4" _page5>>
<<set _page6 = setup.SoundPath + "6 Casiopeia.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "layer5" _page6>>
<<set _page7 = setup.SoundPath + "7 Ginnungagap.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "layer6" _page7>>
<<set _page8 = setup.SoundPath + "8 You've Got Me.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "layer7" _page8>>
<<set _page9 = setup.SoundPath + "9 Sunken Ruin.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "layer8" _page9>>
<<set _page10 = setup.SoundPath + "10 Quiet and Falling.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "layer9" _page10>>
<<set _page11 = setup.SoundPath + "11 Swings and Roundabouts.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "layer10" _page11>>
<<set _page12 = setup.SoundPath + "12 Come With Me.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "layer11" _page12>>
<<set $companion1 = {
name: "Maru",
cost: 30,
carry: 5,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $companion2 = {
name: "Lily",
cost: 60,
carry: 25,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $companion3 = {
name: "Khemia",
cost: 170,
carry: 35,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $companion4 = {
name: "Cherry",
cost: 50,
carry: 15,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $companion5 = {
name: "Cloud",
cost: 80,
carry: 20,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $companion6 = {
name: "Saeko",
cost: 170,
carry: 12,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $companions = [$companion1, $companion2, $companion3, $companion4, $companion5, $companion6]>>
<<set $hiredCompanions = []>>
<<set $item1 = {
name: "Food Rations",
weight: 0.4,
cost: 2,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item2 = {
name: "Water",
weight: 0.8,
cost: 1,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item3 = {
name: "Empty Flask",
weight: 0.2,
cost: 4,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item4 = {
name: "Filled Flask",
weight: 1,
cost: 4,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item5 = {
name: "Medkit",
weight: 1,
cost: 11,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item6 = {
name: "Encyclopedia Abyssia",
weight: 3.5,
cost: 70,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item7 = {
name: "Messenger Balloon",
weight: 3.5,
cost: 1,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item8 = {
name: "Commerce Balloon",
weight: 5,
cost: 60,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item9 = {
name: "Escape Balloon",
weight: 5.5,
cost: 130,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item10 = {
name: "Torch",
weight: 0.4,
cost: 4,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item11 = {
name: "Flashlight",
weight: 1,
cost: 45,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item12 = {
name: "Rope",
weight: 3,
cost: 50,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item13 = {
name: "Compass",
weight: 0.2,
cost: 25,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item14 = {
name: "Pistol",
weight: 2,
cost: 40,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item15 = {
name: "Sword",
weight: 2.5,
cost: 45,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item16 = {
name: "Scuba Gear",
weight: 3,
cost: 50,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item17 = {
name: "Warding Brace",
weight: 1,
cost: 60,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item18 = {
name: "Smartphone",
weight: 0.2,
cost: 150,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item19 = {
name: "Inn Room Pass",
weight: 0,
cost: 15,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item20 = {
name: "Relic Workshop Pass",
weight: 0,
cost: 30,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $item21 = {
name: "Pistol Bullets",
weight: 0.03,
cost: 0.6,
count: 0,
desc: "x",
image: "x"
<<set $items = [$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, $item5, $item6, $item7, $item8, $item9, $item10, $item11, $item12, $item13, $item14, $item15, $item16, $item17, $item18, $item19, $item20, $item21]>>
<<set $relic1 = {
name: "Star Compass",
weight: 0.5,
value: 30,
corr: 15,
time: 0,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic2 = {
name: "Romer Stones",
weight: 1,
value: 10,
time: 1,
corr: 10,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic3 = {
name: "Creepy Doll",
weight: 10.3,
value: 5,
time: 0,
corr: 10,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic4 = {
name: "Giddy Reaper",
weight: 1.7,
value: 25,
time: 0,
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic5 = {
name: "Silk Twister",
weight: 0.3,
value: 20,
time: 1,
corr: 10,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic6 = {
name: "Vertebra Key",
weight: 1,
value: 15,
time: 0,
corr: 15,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic7 = {
name: "Chain of Lorelei",
weight: 0.8,
value: 35,
time: 0,
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic8 = {
name: "Hive Tassel",
weight: 0.1,
value: 10,
time: 0,
corr: 5,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic9 = {
name: "Smitten Mitt",
weight: 0.4,
value: 25,
time: 1,
corr: 15,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic10 = {
name: "Firmament Pigment",
weight: 6,
value: 20,
time: 0,
corr: 15,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic11 = {
name: "Pearly Gates",
weight: 0.1,
value: 35,
time: 0,
corr: 15,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic12 = {
name: "World Stone",
weight: 5,
value: 25,
time: 1,
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic13 = {
name: "Forest's Gift",
weight: 0.7,
value: 30,
time: 2,
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic14 = {
name: "Harmless Harmony",
weight: 1.6,
value: 20,
time: 1,
corr: 15,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic15 = {
name: "Umbra Trident",
weight: 0.3,
value: 25,
time: 1,
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic16 = {
name: "Event Horizon",
weight: 0.5,
value: 30,
time: 1,
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic17 = {
name: "Heart-Stealing Stole",
weight: 0.1,
value: 35,
time: 2,
corr: 25,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic18 = {
name: "Effacing Asperity",
weight: 0.7,
value: 20,
time: 2,
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic19 = {
name: "Wholly Ale",
weight: 0.6,
value: 25,
time: 1,
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic20 = {
name: "Memoir Remnant",
weight: 9,
value: 25,
time: 1,
corr: 15,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relic21 = {
name: "Gleam Dazer",
weight: 2,
value: 35,
time: 2,
corr: 25,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $relics = [$relic1, $relic2, $relic3, $relic4, $relic5, $relic6, $relic7, $relic8, $relic9, $relic10, $relic11, $relic12, $relic13, $relic14, $relic15, $relic16, $relic17, $relic18, $relic19, $relic20, $relic21]>>
<<set $ownedRelics = []>>
<<set $curse1 = {
name: "Libido Reinforcement A",
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse2 = {
name: "Gender Reversal A",
corr: 15,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse3 = {
name: "Asset Robustness A",
corr: 10,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse4 = {
name: "Cloting Restriction A",
corr: 30,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse5 = {
name: "Shrunken Assets",
corr: 75,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse6 = {
name: "Hair Removal",
corr: 5,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse7 = {
name: "Perma-dye",
corr: 5,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse8 = {
name: "Freckle Speckle",
corr: 10,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse9 = {
name: "Knife-ear",
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse10 = {
name: "Dizzying Heights",
corr: 5,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse11 = {
name: "Increased Sensitivity",
corr: 10,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse12 = {
name: "Refractory Refactorization",
corr: 10,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse13 = {
name: "Libido Reinforcement B",
corr: 25,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse14 = {
name: "Gender Reversal B",
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse15 = {
name: "Asset Robustness B",
corr: 15,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse16 = {
name: "Age Reduction A",
corr: 15,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse17 = {
name: "Fluffy Ears",
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse18 = {
name: "Fluffy Tail",
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse19 = {
name: "Maximum Fluff",
corr: 30,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse20 = {
name: "Heat/Rut",
corr: 20,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse21 = {
name: "Lightweight",
corr: 15,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse22 = {
name: "Sex Switcheroo",
corr: 30,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse23 = {
name: "Futa Fun",
corr: 35,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curse24 = {
name: "Blushing Virgin",
corr: 25,
desc: "x",
pic: "x"
<<set $curses = []>>
<<set $playerCurses = []>><<set $dubloons = 300>>
If you're going to be spending days, weeks, or months adventuring in a dangerous, monster-filled pit, you need to get some supplies first! Here's your stipend of 300 dubloons to get you started. We'll also supply you with a very large and a durable rucksack that should be big enough for just about anything you'll need to carry on your journey. It doubles as a thermal sleeping bag, too!
You can find valuable Relics while you're down in the Abyss, and if you like, you can sell them here and obtain additional dubloons to fund your expedition. This does require you to go through the Miasma multiple times and become more corrupted, so weigh your options carefully first. Relics change hands quickly after being sold, so you won't be able to get them back later if you get seller's remorse. Even if you're short on dubloons, I strongly recommend against any kind of thievery! This town's whole economy was built on Relics, so the businesses around here have had plenty of time to learn how to deal with people who would try to steal wares, sell forgeries, and cheat them out of coin. Many would-be criminals have come up here with the *perfect" combination of Relics for robbery, only to swiftly be brought to justice by the people of here with Relics of their own. It's not worth the risk.
The weight of everything for sale is provided in kilograms. I'm not here to push any kind of arbitrary weight limit on you that's something you need to decide. How much do you think you can sustainably carry a on a long, perilous adventure down into the depths? Remember, "the ability to lift something and "the ability to carry it with you for the better part of your waking hours for days, weeks, or months" are two very different feats. (For reference, an average adult human will feel moderate discomfort carrying around 20kg for a long time.) (We have amazing healthcare here in Outset Town and can provide you with free state-of-the-art surgery to cure any physical disabilities, and/or a few weeks a at our gym, to bring you to average human levels. I strongly believe that anyone can be a diver, if they put their heart into it.)
Apart from the things you buy here and the clothes on your back, we can't let you bring anything else into the Abyss. Most tools made from outside materials quickly decay and become useless when brought into the Abyss, anyways.
Before we continue, how much weight do you think you can carry on your journey (in kg)? If you think it's less than the human average of 20 kg, then I'd reccomend you spend a few weeks here training to get up to that level before you descend, but of course you can choose to do that or not.
<<textbox "$carryWeight" "20" "Surface 4">>
<<set $totalCarry = $carryWeight>>
Now there's only a little more to tell you before you can spend those free 300 dubloons we're giving you! This is the habitation option for our current layer, which is the Surface.
You'll find Habitation options just like this one on every layer of the Abyss. These represent possible endings" to your journey, giving you an idea of what happens after you decide to settle down. You might end up choosing one of the options down in the Abyss due to finding that you don't have enough supplies to make it back to the surface, or because you don't want to take on more Curses to be able to ascend through the Miasma - or perhaps you'll simply fall in love with one of the of layers down there and never want to leave. It happens sometimes, but not very often in the deeper layers.
After picking a Habitation option, your fate will be locked, sealing you permanently in the layer you choose and foiling future attempts to change your mind and leave. This also applies if you spend over <b>two consecutive days </b>on the surface after having previously been down in the Abyss - the Miasma will adapt and grow to reject your body, preventing you from entering the Abyss once more and forcing you into the surface's Habitation option. Furthermore, Habitation options are all locked away by fate until you choose them - you can't actually interact with any Habitation options or potentially make use of them on your quest prior to choosing them and settling down. <i>You cannot choose a Habitation option when your corruption points are lower than 0.</i>
down. You cannot choose a Habitation option when your corruption points are lower than 0.
What your companions do after you pick a Habitation option will largely depend on their temperament, and how well you've treated them on your adventure. Did you woo them and steal their heart, making them want to spend the rest of their days with you? Or did you merely treat them as tools, exploiting them for gain? Some characters, like Cloud, have vested interest in the surface and would need a great deal more convincing to stay down in the Abyss permanently... while, for example, Cherry would be bit of a challenge to convince to live anywhere, let alone return to her life on the surface. Keep things like that in mind when thinking about how your ending will go. If necessary, companions may attempt to return to the surface on their own if you if decide to stay down there the return trip is less perilous for them than it is for you, after all.
Now I think you can have a look around the town and choose how to spend your dubloons!
[[Explore the town|Surface Hub]]
Here at Outset Town you can spend your $dubloons dubloons on hiring companions and buying equipment for your journey. On return visits you can also sell relics you've found in the abyss or settle down above the surface permanently.
Whenever you're ready, feel free to start your expedition into the abyss!
[[Enter the item shop|Surface Shop 1]]
[[Check out the companions available to hire|Surface Companions 1]]
[[Listen to a summary of the mechanics before continuing|Surface Summary]]
[[View the Surface Habitation option|Surface Habitation]]
[[Walk to the edge of the Abyss|Surface Exit]]
Here are all of the items available for your to spend you $dubloons dubloons on:
[img[setup.ImagePath+'Clipped-Fin/Abyss Diver Page 1-items.png']]
[[Buy Water]]
[[Buy Food Rations]]
[[Buy Flasks]]
[[Buy Medkits]]
[[Buy Encyclopedia Abyssia]]
[[Buy Messenger Baloons]]
[[Buy Commerce Balloons]]
[[Buy Escape Balloons]]
[[Buy Torches]]
[[Buy Flashlight]]
[[Buy Rope]]
[[Buy Compass]]
[[Buy Pistol]]
[[Buy Bullets]]
[[Buy Sword]]
[[Buy Scuba Gear]]
[[Buy Warding Braces]]
[[Buy Smartphone]]
[[Buy Inn Room Pass]]
[[Buy Relic Workshop Pass]]
Here are the companions that are available for you to hire with your $dubloons dubloons:
[img[setup.ImagePath+'Clipped-Fin/Abyss Diver Page 1-companions.png']]
<<nobr>><<if $hiredCompanions.some(e => === "Maru")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Hire Maru]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $hiredCompanions.some(e => === "Lily")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Hire Lily]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $hiredCompanions.some(e => === "Khemia")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Hire Khemia]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $hiredCompanions.some(e => === "Cherry")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Hire Cherry]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $hiredCompanions.some(e => === "Cloud")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Hire Cloud]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $hiredCompanions.some(e => === "Saeko")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Hire Saeko]]">>
Looks like you're ready to start your voyage! Let me just summarize and make some quick notes:
You have four major stats you should keep track of - corruption, gained from Curses and spent obtaining Relics or whenever you ascend a page, days of food and days of water, which you should be consuming 1 point each of daily or things will get really bad, and dubloons, which you can spend on this page. (You can obtain more by surfacing with Relics and selling unwanted ones.) Weights are provided so that you don't break your back lifting completely unrealistic load, but you'll need to set your limits there. The only one that can logically become negative is corruption, but I'd use caution and try to keep it balanced when possible reckless choices may leave you with a deficit that you can't balance out, and you can't choose a Habitation option and end your adventure with corruption points lower than 0. Other than the free stipend of 300 dubloons that you got, all stats start at 0.
Though it heavily references it and shares a name with it, this isn't quite the same Abyss that you might be familiar with from certain work of fiction. You won't cry blood when ascending, and while death's certainly still possible, sexual misadventures are more likely. Prior knowledge of that Abyss and universe isn't necessary to enjoy this adventire at all.
You'll have my voice down there explaining your available options, but I won't be physically accompanying you. If you like, you can think of it as manifestation of your own intuition, or as the voice of the Abyss itself, or both.
[[Return to town|Surface Hub]]
You stand at the foot of the Abyss, a hole large enough to defy the imagination. A light, cold wind tickles your face - not a familiar northerly wind, not a zephyr, not any kind of wind you've experienced before - no, this wind beckons you from below, from deep within the earth. The greedy maw of the Abyss patiently awaits your descent. The only way forward is downward.
It won't take too long to make your way down to the Abyss proper - there's no cost in moving down to the next layer. Just be sure you're ready, getting back is the hard part.
[[Descend into the Abyss|Layer1 1]]
<<set $hiredCompanions.push($companion1)>><<set $dubloons -= $companion1.cost>><<set $totalCarry += $companion1.carry>>
You have successfully hired Maru. Hopefully she brings you a lot of joy and helps you along in your journey.
[[Return to Outset Town|Surface Hub]]
<<set $hiredCompanions.push($companion2)>><<set $dubloons -= $companion2.cost>><<set $totalCarry += $companion2.carry>><<set $sellAdd = 10>>
You have successfully hired Lily. Hopefully her electric personality and excellent haggling serve you well in your journey.
[[Return to Outset Town|Surface Hub]]
<<set $hiredCompanions.push($companion3)>><<set $dubloons -= $companion3.cost>><<set $totalCarry += $companion3.carry>><<set $timeRed = 2>>
You have successfully hired Khemia. Hopefully his fighting expertise and experience in traversing the abyss help you along in your journey.
[[Return to Outset Town|Surface Hub]]
<<set $hiredCompanions.push($companion4)>><<set $dubloons -= $companion4.cost>><<set $totalCarry += $companion4.carry>><<set $statRed = 1>>
You have successfully hired Cherry. Hopefully her chaotic luck and medical knowledge serve you well in your journey.
[[Return to Outset Town|Surface Hub]]
<<set $hiredCompanions.push($companion5)>><<set $dubloons -= $companion5.cost>><<set $totalCarry += $companion5.carry>><<set $bullRed = 2>>
You have successfully hired Maru! Hopefully she brings you a lot of joy and helps you along in your journey.
[[Return to Outset Town|Surface Hub]]
<<set $hiredCompanions.push($companion6)>><<set $dubloons -= $companion6.cost>><<set $totalCarry += $companion6.carry>><<set $corrRed = 5>><<set $abyssKnow = 1>>
You have successfully hired Saeko. Hopefully her extensive knowledge of abyssal theory and corruption serve you well in your journey.
[[Return to Outset Town|Surface Hub]]
You have $items[0].count days of water.
You have $items[1].count days of food.
You have $items[2].count unfilled flasks.
You have $items[3].count days of water in filled flasks.
Your inventory and the count (if applicable) of each item is as follows:
<<for $i = 0; $i < $items.length; $i++>>
<<if $items[$i].count > 1>>
<<print $items[$i].name + " ">><<print $items[$i].count>><br>
<<elseif $items[$i].count == 1>>
<<print $items[$i].name>><br>
How much water would you like to buy?
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[0].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[0].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many days of food rations would you like to buy?
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[1].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$item[1].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many water flasks would you like to buy?
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[3].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[2].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many days of medkits would you like to buy?
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[4].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[4].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many copies of the Encyclopedia Abyssia would you like to buy?
(Note: there is no additional benefit for buying more than 1 copy.)
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[5].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[5].cost), $abyssKnow = 1]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many days of messenger balloons would you like to buy?
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[6].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[6].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many days of commerce balloons would you like to buy?
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[7].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[7].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many days of escape balloons would you like to buy?
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[8].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[8].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many days of torches would you like to buy?
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[9].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[9].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many flashlights would you like to buy?
(Note: there is no additional benefit for buying more than 1 flashlight.)
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[10].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[10].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many ropes would you like to buy?
(Note: there is no additional benefit for buying more than 1 rope.)
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[11].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[11].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many compasses would you like to buy?
(Note: there is no additional benefit for buying more than 1 compass.)
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[12].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[12].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many pistols would you like to buy?
(Note: there is no additional benefit for buying more than 1 pistol.)
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[13].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[13].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many swords would you like to buy?
(Note: there is no additional benefit for buying more than 1 sword.)
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[14].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[14].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many sets of scuba gear would you like to buy?
(Note: there is no additional benefit for buying more than 1 set of scuba gear.)
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[15].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[15].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many warding braces would you like to buy?
(Note: You are only allowed to buy 2 warding braces unless you have an effect or combination of relics that specifically would allow you to buy more.)
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[16].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[16].cost), $corruption += (20 * $temp)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many smartphones would you like to buy?
(Note: there is no additional benefit for buying more than 1 smartphone.)
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[17].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[17].cost), $abyssKnow = 1]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many inn room passes would you like to buy?
(Note: there is no additional benefit for buying more than 1 inn room pass.)
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[18].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[18].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many relic workshop passes would you like to buy?
(Note: there is no additional benefit for buying more than 1 relic workshop pass.)
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[19].count += parseInt($temp), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*$items[19].cost)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
How many sets of 6 bullets would you like to buy?
<<textbox "$temp" "">>
[[Confirm|Surface Hub][$items[21].count += (parseInt($temp) * 6), $dubloons -= (parseInt($temp)*4)]]
<<back [[Surface Shop 1]]>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'Clipped-Fin/Abyss Diver Page 1-habitation.png']]
[[Choose to stay on the surface|Game End]]
You've reached the end of your journey. Was it worth it? Did you find what you were looking for?
You can find your collection of relics in your inventory, and your curses in the stats page.
Feel free to begin a new journey, by restarting and choosing the new game+ option. Also feel free to post your build on the thread for the game, the creator of this adaptation always loves to see how people's adventures went!
<<masteraudio stop>><<audio "layer1" volume 0.2 play loop>>
<<if $dubloons < 0>>
<<set $debt += (-1 * $dubloons)>>
<<set $dubloons = 0>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'Layer Intros/l1intro.png']]
@@.layerTitle;Layer 1 - Arcadia's Garden@@
Stepping across the sparse grasses, eyes occasionally catching on some flowers that are much more vulvic than any you've seen before, or perhaps a rock formation that seems far too phallic to be natural, you proceed down the relatively tranquil first layer of the Abyss. The town already begins to disappear from view above you, and below you is nothing but gentle, lush slopes leading further into the dark.
Traveling back to the surface from here will take 1 day, and will cost 10 corruption. Leaving the abyss also requires that you don't have any negative corruption points even if you plan to come back.
[[Walk through the first layer of the Abyss|Layer1 Hub]]
<<nobr>><<if $hiredCompanions.some(e => === "Cherry")>>
<<print "[[Use Cherry's chaotic luck|Layer1 Cherry]]">><<else>>
You find yourself amidst the slightly-off natural splendor of the first layer. What do you want to do while you are here?
<<nobr>><<if $forageWater == 0>>
<<print "You are currently foraging for your daily water on this layer">><br>
<<print "You are not currently foraging for your daily water on this layer">><br><<endif>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $forageFood == 0>>
<<print "You are currently foraging for your daily food on this layer">><br>
<<print "You are not currently foraging for your daily food on this layer">><br><<endif>><</nobr>>
[[Learn about the threats on this layer|Layer1 Threats]]
[[Check for food and water you can forage for|Layer1 Forage]]
[[Search for relics|Layer1 Relics]]
[[Take on curses to purge your corruption|Layer1 Curses]]
[[Look for any wonders you can take advantage|Layer1 Wonders]]
[[View the Layer 1 habitation option|Layer1 Habitation]]
[[Look down at the next layer|Layer1 Exit]]Double-click this passage to edit it.
Here are the relics on this layer which are available for you to spend corruption on:
[img[setup.ImagePath+'Clipped-Fin/Abyss Diver Page 1-items.png']]
<<nobr>><<if $ownedRelics.some(e => === "Star Compass")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Pick up the Star Compass]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $ownedRelics.some(e => === "Romer Stones")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Pick up the Romer Stones]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $ownedRelics.some(e => === "Creepy Doll")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Pick up the Creepy Doll]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $ownedRelics.some(e => === "Giddy Reaper")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Pick up the Giddy Reaper]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $ownedRelics.some(e => === "Silk Twister")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Pick up the Silk Twister]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $ownedRelics.some(e => === "Vertebra Key")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Pick up the Vertebra Key]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $ownedRelics.some(e => === "Chain of Lorelei")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Pick up the Chain of Lorelei]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $ownedRelics.some(e => === "Hive Tassel")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Pick up the Hive Tassel]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $ownedRelics.some(e => === "Smitten Mitt")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Pick up the Smitten Mitt]]">>
These are the curses available for you to take to help manage your corruption:
[img[setup.ImagePath+'Clipped-Fin/Abyss Diver Page 1-curses.png']]
<<nobr>><<if $playerCurses.some(e => === "Libido Reinforcement A")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Take on Libido Reinforcement A]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $playerCurses.some(e => === "Gender Reversal A")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Take on Gender Reversal A]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $playerCurses.some(e => === "Asset Robustness A")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Take on Asset Robustness A]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $playerCurses.some(e => === "Clothing Restriction A")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Take on Clothing Restriction A]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $playerCurses.some(e => === "Shrunken Assets")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Take on Shrunken Assets]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $playerCurses.some(e => === "Hair Removal")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Take on Hair Removal]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $playerCurses.some(e => === "Perma-dye")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Take on Perma-dye]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $playerCurses.some(e => === "Freckle Speckle")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Take on Freckle Speckle]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $playerCurses.some(e => === "Knife Ear")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Take on Knife Ear]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $playerCurses.some(e => === "Dizzying Heights")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Take on Dizzying Heights]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $playerCurses.some(e => === "Increased Sensitivity")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Take on Increased Sensitivity]]">>
<<nobr>><<if $playerCurses.some(e => === "Refractory Refactorization")>>
<<else>><<print "[[Take on Refractory Refactorization]]">>
Double-click this passage to edit it.
[img[setup.ImagePath+'Clipped-Fin/Abyss Diver Page 2-wonders.png']]
Would you like to use the icon of Mercy?
[[Yes, use the icon|Layer1 Icon]]
<<back [[Layer1 Hub]]>>
[img[setup.ImagePath+'Clipped-Fin/Abyss Diver Page 2-habitation.png']]
[[Choose to stay on the first layer|Game End]]Double-click this passage to edit it.How would you like to use Cherry's chaotic luck ability?
[[Get 2 random relics for half cost|Layer1 Cherry Relic]]
[[Get 2 random curses for +50% corruption|Layer1 Cherry Curse]]
[[Get 1 relic and 1 curse|Layer1 Cherry Mix]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.